Egyptian Hieroglyphs On A Wall
Art History at Loggia
Explores the history of art with information about artists, styles, and periods. Includes resources and reference materials about art history, searchable database, and forums.
Art Renewal International
Read biographical sketches and view online high-resolution images of many paintings from 19th century masters.
ArtLex - Art Dictionary
Features definitions for thousands of terms used in discussing visual arts, along with supporting images and cross-references.
Mother of All Art and Art History Links Pages
Produced at the University of Michigan. This site is an extensive listing of art history departments, research resources, online art, fine arts schools, art museums, and more.
WebMuseum, Paris
Designed for academic and educational use. Online exhibition of works of art worldwide. Searchable by artist, theme, time period. Short historical section for each period and school of art.
This is the Art History subcategory of the Arts category. Our editors have reviewed these web pages and placed them on this Art History page.