
Student With Red Apple And Abc Letters
Blackboard is a software product especially suited to an educational setting. It connects students, faculty, administration, and staff. It facilitates communication between large and small groups, including exchanges at the classroom level whereby teachers and students can exchange material and ideas. The website describes the various products, the support offered, and how to obtain the software.
Connexions is a non-profit founded in 1999 by a group of scientists at Rice University that aims to reinvent how we write, edit, publish, and use textbooks and other learning materials. Everyone is free to create and add to the database. All material is free and can be modified. Everyone is free to mix material and create new learning materials. These new inventions may be printed or copied.
Schools Directory
This school directory lists all types of schools and other educational institutions throughout the United States, organized by State and County. Each school listing includes contact information and a website link.
TransPac - Aviation Training
TransPac Aviation Academy's state of the art facilities and high quality aviation training are recognized throughout the industry.
U.S. Department of Education
The DOE was created in 1980 to foster educational excellence and ensure equal access. On the website, users can read about "hot topics" in educational news, search by student, teacher, administrator, or parent, look at information centers on financial aid, grants, policy, research and statistics, and other programs. Most useful is a link to teaching aids that covers many subjects and grade levels.
This is the Education category. Education is the process of learning, whether in formal school settings or through the experiences in life. Education involves the transmission of facts and information as well as societal values. In a broader context, education is the transmission of accumulated knowledge from an older generation to a younger generation. An educated populace possesses the life skills and critical thinking that improve its quality of life and are crucial aspects of any culture. Most modern societies offer various educational opportunities for their young people, although many parents prefer to teach their children at home.