AAAS: Advancing Science, Serving Society
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) was founded in 1848 and publishes the journal Science, which has a readership of 1 million. The website describes what iAAAS does, how to join, its organization, and programs and other publications.
AIM is AOLs Instant Messenger site. On the website, users can find all the information they need to set up an instant messaging account using Mac, Win98, and Linux. The AIM site provides downloadable accessories such as a dictionary, BOTS, and much more. There are also chat rooms for gamers, music and fashion lovers, and more.
AreaVibes - City Guides and Demographics
AreaVibes helps people find good places to live by scoring a series of metrics for cities and neighborhoods in each state of the USA. Metrics include cost of living, crime rates, education, employment, housing, weather, transportation, and health.
(US Cities)
ARIN: American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARIN, a nonprofit, was established in 1997 as one of five regional Internet Registries. It manages the distribution of internet numbers in Canada, many Caribbean Islands, and the United States. It allocates Internet Protocol resources, develops consensus-based policies, and facilitates the advancement of the Internet. On the website are guidelines for registering.
Art Schools - Art Education and Instruction
Art schools train individuals for careers in the visual arts. Art school majors often include painting, ceramics, screen printing, sculpture, and studio art. Many art schools offer courses in art education for students who plan to pursue art teaching careers. This art school directory features a broad selection of undergraduate and graduate level art education institutions in the United States of America.
BibleGateway, begun in 1993, is a searchable online Bible in over 50 versions and 35 languages. Users choose a language and Bible and then enter a Bible passage, keyword, or topic and the full text comes up. Also on the site is information about Bible Commentaries, purchasing a Bible, and blogs.
BizRate is a comparison shopping service. Users can search for products of all kinds and find the prices at different stores. If a user chooses a product at a certain store, there is an link to that store's website.
Blackboard is a software product especially suited to an educational setting. It connects students, faculty, administration, and staff. It facilitates communication between large and small groups, including exchanges at the classroom level whereby teachers and students can exchange material and ideas. The website describes the various products, the support offered, and how to obtain the software.
Business Services Directory
This business services directory lists business service providers throughout the United States, organized by State and County. Each business services provider listing includes a website link and contact information.
Business Wire
Business Wire is a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway that provides commercial news distribution for thousands of member companies and organizations. Provides news releases, regulatory filings, photos, and other multimedia content. For financial professionals, journalists, and the general public.
Chosen Sites - Information and Shopping Guide
Users can browse this website's reference directory to learn about and access detailed information about popular topics, products, and services. Automobiles, hobbies, and travel are a few of the consumer guides available on the website.
Ciao, based in the UK, is an online community that reviews and rates products and services for the benefit of other consumers. Joining is free. Businesses can also partner with Ciao and get the benefits of the millions of users. The website is searchable by product and also has a place to sign up for both users and businesses.
Cisco designs and sells networking and communications systems. It was originally developed at Stanford University in 1984. It was the first company to successfully market the "router." There are four brands: Cisco, Linksys, Scientific Atlantic, and WebEx.
Citebase Search
Citebase Search began in 2005 and is located at the University of Southhampton in the UK. Citebase searches for citations in the fields of physics, math, information science, and biomedical articles published in the UK. Searches are by author, citation, or an identifier (keyword). The homepage cautions that Citebase is in an experimental stage and not yet complete or authoritative.
City Maps
People have been living in cities for millennia, first migrating and settling near ocean coasts or river valleys as a way to sustain life. This city map website provides access to interactive maps and information about major USA cities. It also reviews the development and evolution of cities throughout the course of human history.
(US Cities)
City Videos
Learn about the growth and importance of cities in a civilized society, and view the city-themed videos in this city videos portfolio.
(US Cities)
Citi-Data is a vast database containing information about as many U.S. cities as the compilers could find, and it is constantly updated. Facts about each city include population, housing prices, area codes, birthplaces of famous people, and much more. Also on the site are lists of the 100 best cities and photographs. For each city there are places for people to write in pro or con about the city.
(US Cities)
CitySearch is an online lifestyle guide with up-to-date information about businesses, from restaurants to spas, hotel and retail. It includes over 14 millions business listings and 600,000 user reviews. Businesses can list their business on CitySearch.
(US Cities)
Connexions is a non-profit founded in 1999 by a group of scientists at Rice University that aims to reinvent how we write, edit, publish, and use textbooks and other learning materials. Everyone is free to create and add to the database. All material is free and can be modified. Everyone is free to mix material and create new learning materials. These new inventions may be printed or copied.
Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports magazine and are published by Consumer Union, an independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to test and provide information about products to consumers so they can make informed decisions about purchases. On the website, users can read recent articles or search for a specific topic. The site also provides general information about types of products.
Country Clubs
A country club is a club with sporting and social facilities, located in a suburban area. This country club directory lists country clubs that are located throughout the United States. Each country club listing includes a website link and contact information.
CSA recently joined with ProQuest, both worldwide information companies, to publish, in print and online, 100 full-text databases and journals in the natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities, and technology. Their products are used widely in academic libraries and other research organizations and are ordered on subscription. Each of the databases is fully described on the website.
CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, is Australia's largest national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world. CSIRO offers educational resources for schools and at-home science for all ages. Its flagship projects include everything from space to mining and health. All described on the website.
DealTime is a service of, a comparison shopping service. DealTime goes beyond comparison to provide information for consumers to choose including pricing, descriptions, and eopinions from consumers.
Design Directory - Designers
A designer is a person who plans the form, appearance, or workings of something before it is constructed, usually by drawing it in detail. This design services directory lists designers and design solution providers that are located throughout the USA. Each design organization listing includes a website link and contact information.
Discount Stores Directory
This discount store directory lists discount stores and discount retailer chains throughout the United States, organized by State. Each discount store listing includes a website link and contact information.
Epinions is a consumer review platform that presents valuable consumer insight, unbiased advice, in-depth product evaluations, and personalized recommendations. Users search by topic for information about products and services and can also write reviews. Instructions for how to submit reviews are on the website. There is also a column called Epinions Top Ten, reviews of the most popular items.
Operated by AAAS, the science society, this website is a place through which universities, medical centers, journals, government agencies and others can bring their news to the media. The search is by subject and the public can use all of the sites except for the Embargoed News section and the Experts section.
Financial Services Directory
This financial service firms directory lists financial service providers throughout the United States, organized by State and County. Each financial services provider listing includes a website link and contact information.
Financing News - Loan and Mortgage Trends
Browse financing news headlines from news sources around the world, read referenced news articles about interest rates and loans, and stay up-to-date on business financing trends and developments.
Find Articles
Find Articles, located in San Francisco, is a LookSmart product. Find Articles provides free access to millions of articles searchable by specific journal, author, or subject. The article are from leading academic, industry, and general interest publications. Archives date back to 1984. Users can also find a list of all the publications covered on the website.
General Electric
GE is a diversified technology, media, and financial services company. Located in Connecticut, GE was founded in 1892 by Thomas Edison with his invention of the light bulb. Today its businesses include appliances, aviation services, consumer electronics, electrical and energy products, finance and business services, healthcare, media, and more. Complete information is available on the website.
GPS Navigation
A GPS navigation device receives Global Positioning System (GPS) signals that determine where the device is located on the surface of the Earth. This GPS navigation directory lists GPS navigation product and service providers that are located throughout the USA. Each GPS navigation solutions provider listing includes a website link and contact info.
- was established in 2002 as part of the President's initiative to improve government services to the public. It is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs. Organizations can register once to be eligible for applying for grants in 26 federal agencies. The site also has Guides to help applicants through the process.
Health and Medicine Information
Medicinenet is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides in-depth, authoritative medical information. It was founded in 1996 and is located in San Clemente, California. On the website, users can find information about specific diseases and health conditions. There is a place to search for specific symptoms, and a search for procedures, tests, and medications.
HG Menu
This convenient menu page provides access to a myriad of goods and services that will be of interest to homeowners. Menu users can learn about bathroom and kitchen products as well as lawn and garden solutions.
Honeywell, located in New Jersey, is a major American multinational corporation that produces a wide variety of consumer products, engineering services, and aerospace systems. Honeywell is a public company that had its origins in 1906 with a thermostat invention. On the website, users can find out about the history of the company, its many products, and news about new products and initiatives.
This website contains an alphabetical list of hospital and nursing home profiles. For each, information is given about the numbers of nurses and other personnel, location, hospital affiliations, health care provider participation, and much other useful information. There is also a link to several online reference works on health care.
Founded in 1998 in Great Britain, Ingenta now also has offices in the U.S. IngentaConnect is a collection of over 30,000 publications including more than 10,000 available online. Libraries and research organizations subscribe, and their clients can search for articles on any topic. For libraries, there are also ways of linking Ingenta data with the library's own online catalogs and resources.
International Center for Scientific Research
Located in France, CIRS is an international scientific organization created in 1998 to promote all aspects of science and scientific research. On the website, users can find a directory of researchers worldwide, an international directory of scientific prizes and awards and their winners, libraries and scientific bookshops, a directory of major scientific journals, and bibliographies.
International Monetary Fund
The IMF, located in Washington D.C., was founded in 1944 along with the World Bank. The IMF has three main types of work: surveillance of the world's finances, lending money to countries, technical assistance and training. At the same time, IMF keeps copious statistics and reports. The website describes their efforts, gives statistics, IMF news, publications, and more.
Browse this encyclopedic dictionary that comprises articles and digital imagery on a broad range of subject matter. Jumblex visitors can find links to relevant information about Bible verses and many other topics. Related tag words and phrases can be found on each page of this fascinating site.
LexisNexis, a member of the Reed Elsevier Group, is a vast database of legal information and news. Lexis is the legal section; Nexis is the business news section. There is also a version for Academic settings which includes newspaper articles from small papers that are hard to find in other sources. The website describes both products and how to subscribe to each or both together.
LiveScience is a science news website produced by the Imaginova Corporation. The site covers science news, complex scientific questions, and ideas. The site is searchable by subjects: space, animals, health, environment, technology, history, strange news and other features like Editor's Choice. There is also a store where users can purchase all kinds of science related games, toys, and much more.
This site is a free, in-depth reference about the internet. The site was written between 1996 and 1999, posted on the web in 2000 and is updated regularly. It has more than 600 pages, 2000 intra-site links, and 2000 external links. Users can find a lengthy history of the internet, information on how it works, how its managed, internet architecture, protocol addresses, internet use, and much more.
Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit medical practice dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of virtually every type of illness. Their three locations are in Minnesota, Florida, and Arizona. Users of the website can find information about diseases and lifestyle, the medical services provided by Mayo Clinics, and explore their educational and research activities, including clinical trials.
MD Consult
MD Consult was established in 1997 through a venture with some of the world's leading medical publishers including Saunders and Mosby. MD Consult is widely used by doctors to consult leading medical reference books, full-text journals and Clinics of North America, Journal Databases, Practice Guidelines, Drug information, and more. Information about subscribing on the website.
MedlinePlus Health Information
MedlinePlus is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. This database provides information about health and drugs from the NLM and NIH and other government agencies. The website includes a medical encyclopedia, patient tutorials, latest medical news, and information about clinical trials.
National Conference of State Legislatures
The NCSL is a bipartisan organization which serves the legislators and staffs of the nation's fifty states, its commonwealths, and its territories. It provides research, technical assistance, and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas about current state issues. It is an effective advocate for the interests of state governments before Congress and federal government agencies.
(US States)
National Governors Association
Founded in 1908, this bipartisan organization of the nation's governors promotes visionary state leadership, shares best practices on a variety of issues, and represents the states on Capitol Hill and before the Administration. The NGA also provides management and technical assistance to new and incumbent governors.
(US States)
NexTag, which was launched in 1999, is a comparison shopping site for products, financial services, travel and much more. Users can search by type of product, such as baby, books and CDs, or by service, such as travel or mortgages. Users can also find comparisons of hotel rates and search for online degrees.
- is an online comparison shopping engine. It searches for low prices on computers, clothing, office supplies, electronics, software, jewelry and electronics.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
OPIC was established as an agency of the U.S. Government in 1971. It helps U.S. businesses invest overseas, fosters economic development in new and emerging markets, complements the private sector in overseas investing, and aids in U.S. Foreign Policy. On the website, users can find out about some of the projects OPIC is currently working with and how to do business with them.
Partners HealthCare
Partners HealthCare, located in Boston, is an integrated health care system founded by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. The system also includes community hospitals and health care facilities. It is a major biomedical research organization allied with Harvard Medical School. The website lists the partners and provides other health care information.
Pressure Cleaning Regional Directory
This directory includes pressure cleaning service provider pages for every state in the USA plus Washington, DC. Titles, addresses, and phone numbers, as well as website links, are specified for all directory entries.
PriceGrabber is an online comparison shopping site. It contains free and unbiased ratings of products, services, merchandise, and sellers. Users can search by kind of product or service. There are also links to Rebates and Merchant Coupons. Merchants without a website can sell their products through PriceGrabber's services.
Private Detectives
A private detective, or private investigator, is a person who can be hired to collect facts and analyze information about legal, financial, and personal matters. This private detective directory lists private detectives and private detective agencies that are located throughout the USA. Each private detective listing includes a website link and contact information.
Shopping comparison site featuring top brands in baby products, sporting goods and more. Pronto provides product listings from many merchants.
PubMed Central (PMC)
PMC is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. PMC was developed and is operated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a division of the National Library of Medicine. Articles are submitted by journal publishers and are available to users in full-text. Users can search by journal title or subject.
- is a gateway to America's Outdoors. It offers trip planning, information sharing, and reservations services for recreational facilities operated by government agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers, the Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Fish and Wildlife Service. Website visitors can discover recreational opportunities in a specific area and make advance reservations online or by phone.
Reference for Business
The website contains a number of online encyclopedia sources that can help business owners. These include: The Encyclopedia of Small Business; Encyclopedia of Business; Business Biographies; Business Plans; American Industries; Management; Company Histories; and Leading American Businesses. All of these sources can be searched by subject.
- is a multi-source dictionary search service provided by Lexico Publishing Group. On it, users can search for words, use a thesaurus, use the encyclopedia, and other tools for free. There are also premium services such as audio pronunciation with the dictionary and word games.
Schools Directory
This school directory lists all types of schools and other educational institutions throughout the United States, organized by State and County. Each school listing includes contact information and a website link.
Science Magazine
Science Magazine is published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed journal. Along with Nature, a British publication, it is one of the few journals to deal with scientific topics from all fields. The website provides selected material free; complete information and full access is by subscription.
Science Update
Science Update is a produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It is a daily, 60-second radio feature covering the latest discoveries in science, technology, and medicine. On the website, users can listen, download, or get a transcript of stories. There is also a link to a science update classroom feature, and a place for users to enter a science question.
Science Videos
Overview of the scientific method plus a video portfolio of laboratory scientists using scientific equipment. An overview of science and the work of various types of scientists is included on the page.
This is the website for Scientific American, the oldest continuously published scientific magazine in America, founded in 1845. The website has many news stories and articles of scientific interest in all fields. Also subscription information and information about accessing the archives.
Scopus, an Elsevier product, is a subscription-only abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. It includes journal publications, conference proceedings, scientific web pages, patents, and an alert service. It also has smart tools to track, visualize, and analyze research. On the website, users can get a free trial and view a demo.
Sayles Industries is a leading digital marketing agency that has helped, and continues to help, dozens of business owners create their company image on the web by building them a profitable online presence. Along with brand recognition, their business services include responsive, mobile-friendly website design and search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. The firm has the potential to give businesses a competitive edge against their competitors and dominate their local market.
- is an ebay company and has grown to become one of the largest comparison shopping sites on the web. Aside from comparing product prices in more than one store, offers product reviews. For consumers, offers fast shopping and the best price; for merchants, a wider access to buyers.
- has U.S. offices in Monrovia, California and was founded in 2002. It is a comparison shopping website that compares prices and products at online stores to help customers save money. On the website, consumers can search by keyword or broad category. There are also featured deals and rebate information. Merchants can contact Smarter to list their products.
Social Workers
Social workers assist people with family, personal, and relationship issues. Some also conduct research, advocate for improved services, and are involved in policy development. This social worker directory lists social workers and social worker agencies that are located throughout the USA. Each social worker listing includes contact information and a website link.
Superior Cruise & Travel
Planning an upcoming vacation that you would rather spend in an exciting and unique travel destination? Looking for a great honeymoon package that offers a tranquil and laid back environment perfect for a fine romantic getaway? Well, you have definitely come to the right place. Superior Cruise & is your home for the luxury vacation packages and most affordable all inclusive cruises. We are a nationwide travel agency that will hook you up to some of the best travel deals around!
The Internet Society
ISOC, located in Virginia, is a professional membership society with more than 100 organizations and 20,000 individual members in 180 countries. It concerns itself with the future of the internet, is an organizing home for groups working on infrastructure, and acts as a clearinghouse for internet information. ISOC holds meetings which are listed on the website along with much more information.
The National Academies
Four agencies comprise the National Academies: the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council. Members of these groups meet, pro bono, to address critical national issues and give advice to the government. The website describes their projects, provides news from the Academies, suggests books, and much more.
The Scientist
The Scientist was first published in 1986. It is a monthly magazine of analysis, interpretation, and expert opinion for active researchers in the life sciences who are interested in a broad view of science. Online readers can read the current issue for free; subscriptions allow readers to access all portions of the magazine. Readers can also register for a science headlines delivered daily.
Thomas Register, over 100 years old, is the well-known paper version of ThomasNet, which lists 650,000 industrial companies indexed by product and service categories. The online version also provides access to over 20 million CAD drawings and hundreds of searchable product catalogs. The site also provides a place for businesses to add their links. The website is free.
Time Zone Converter
This is a handy and simple to use time zone converter. Users choose the place they are interested in and the converter instantly tells the time in that location and whether or not that zone uses daylight savings time. Other searches on this website are to a travel zone with listings of hotels in different cities around the world, world time, and a time zone list.
Tool and Die Makers Regional Directory
Tool and die makers are highly skilled workers who work in many manufacturing plants and machine shops. This directory includes tool and die maker pages for every state in the USA plus Washington, DC.
TransPac - Aviation Training
TransPac Aviation Academy's state of the art facilities and high quality aviation training are recognized throughout the industry.
Travel Videos
Overview of business travel and leisure travel plus a portfolio of travel-themed videos. A discussion of the travel industry is included on the page.
This service of the United States Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) provides information and resources pertaining to international travel, passports, and visas. The Bureau's mission is to protect the lives and interests of American citizens abroad and to strengthen the security of the nation's borders. The Bureau's vision is to help American citizens engage the world.
U.S. Department of Education
The DOE was created in 1980 to foster educational excellence and ensure equal access. On the website, users can read about "hot topics" in educational news, search by student, teacher, administrator, or parent, look at information centers on financial aid, grants, policy, research and statistics, and other programs. Most useful is a link to teaching aids that covers many subjects and grade levels.
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)
The NSF is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science, advance national health, prosperity and welfare, and to secure the national defense. The Foundation supports all fields of fundamental science and engineering. On the website, users can find news, information about funding, awards, discoveries, publications, statistics, and more.
US Conference of Mayors
The USCM is the official nonpartisan organization of U.S. cities with 30,000 or more residents. Each city is represented at the Conference by its mayor. The USCM strives to promote development of effective urban and suburban policies at the federal level and to foster good relations between the cities and the federal government. It provides leadership and management tools for mayors as well.
(US Cities)
Visual Arts Directory
This visual arts directory lists visual arts product and service providers throughout the United States, organized by State and County. Each visual arts solutions provider listing includes contact information and a website link.
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum, founded in 1971 in Geneva, Switzerland, is impartial and nonprofit and is committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The website contains description of its initiatives, some of which include disease prevention and water treatment efforts.
This is the subcategory of the Industry category. Our editors have reviewed these web pages and placed them on this page.