
World Globe And Binary Numbers
AIM is AOLs Instant Messenger site. On the website, users can find all the information they need to set up an instant messaging account using Mac, Win98, and Linux. The AIM site provides downloadable accessories such as a dictionary, BOTS, and much more. There are also chat rooms for gamers, music and fashion lovers, and more.
ARIN: American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARIN, a nonprofit, was established in 1997 as one of five regional Internet Registries. It manages the distribution of internet numbers in Canada, many Caribbean Islands, and the United States. It allocates Internet Protocol resources, develops consensus-based policies, and facilitates the advancement of the Internet. On the website are guidelines for registering.
Cisco designs and sells networking and communications systems. It was originally developed at Stanford University in 1984. It was the first company to successfully market the "router." There are four brands: Cisco, Linksys, Scientific Atlantic, and WebEx.
This site is a free, in-depth reference about the internet. The site was written between 1996 and 1999, posted on the web in 2000 and is updated regularly. It has more than 600 pages, 2000 intra-site links, and 2000 external links. Users can find a lengthy history of the internet, information on how it works, how its managed, internet architecture, protocol addresses, internet use, and much more.
Sayles Industries is a leading digital marketing agency that has helped, and continues to help, dozens of business owners create their company image on the web by building them a profitable online presence. Along with brand recognition, their business services include responsive, mobile-friendly website design and search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. The firm has the potential to give businesses a competitive edge against their competitors and dominate their local market.
The Internet Society
ISOC, located in Virginia, is a professional membership society with more than 100 organizations and 20,000 individual members in 180 countries. It concerns itself with the future of the internet, is an organizing home for groups working on infrastructure, and acts as a clearinghouse for internet information. ISOC holds meetings which are listed on the website along with much more information.
This is the Internet category. The Internet is a publicly-accessible computer network that links many local area networks around the world. It originated in 1969 as a United States Defense Department project; since then, its online communication capabilities have come to affect many areas of human endeavor. The ideas that led to the ARPANET, and then to the modern Internet, were first published in 1961, in a paper by computer scientist Leonard Kleinrock entitled "Information Flow in Large Computer Nets".